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Ayushman Bharat Health Care Scheme in India: A Guide for 2024

Empowering Millions with Affordable Healthcare

In India, access to quality healthcare has traditionally been a challenge for many citizens. The Ayushman Bharat Health Care Scheme, also known as Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), aims to bridge this gap by providing financial assistance for secondary and tertiary medical care to low-income families. This article explores the key features, benefits, eligibility criteria, and application process for the Ayushaman Bharat scheme in 2024.

Understanding Ayushman Bharat

Launched in 2018, Ayushman Bharat is a two-pronged approach to reforming India’s healthcare system. The first pillar focuses on improving primary healthcare through the establishment of Health and Wellness Centers (HWCs) in villages. The second pillar, PMJAY, offers cashless and inpatient medical care coverage to eligible beneficiaries.

Key Benefits of Ayushman Bharat PMJAY

  • Financial Coverage: The scheme offers a cover of up to Rs. 5 lakh per family per year for hospitalization expenses. This includes costs associated with surgeries, pre- and post-hospitalization care, medication, and diagnostics.
  • Cashless Treatment: Beneficiaries can avail of cashless treatment at empanelled public and private hospitals across India. This eliminates the upfront financial burden during emergencies.
  • Wide Range of Medical Services: PMJAY covers a vast array of medical procedures across various specialties, making it a comprehensive health insurance plan.

Who is Eligible for Ayushman Bharat?

The scheme targets economically disadvantaged families identified through the Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) 2011. Here’s a general guideline for eligibility:

  • Families living below the poverty line
  • SC/ST communities
  • Landless agricultural laborers
  • Street vendors and domestic workers

It’s important to note that eligibility is not solely based on income. To check your family’s specific eligibility status, you can visit the official PMJAY website (https://bis.pmjay.gov.in/BIS/selfprintCard)

How to Apply for an Ayushman Bharat Card

There are multiple ways to apply for an Ayushman Bharat Card (ABC):

  • Online Registration: Visit the PMJAY website (https://bis.pmjay.gov.in/BIS/selfprintCard) and register using your Aadhaar card.
  • CSCs (Common Service Centers): These centers across India can guide you through the application process.
  • Helpline: Call the toll-free helpline number 14555 for assistance.

Required Documents

  • Aadhaar card for all family members
  • Ration card (if available)
  • Mobile number

Additional Resources


The Ayushman Bharat Health Care Scheme is a significant initiative towards making quality healthcare accessible and affordable for millions of Indians. By understanding the program’s benefits and eligibility criteria, you can leverage this scheme to secure financial support for your family’s medical needs. Remember, staying informed and taking advantage of government healthcare programs like Ayushman Bharat can significantly improve your well-being and financial security.